Whoah, check out this deal (or, as the Wall Street Journal
article puts it, "an aggressive promotion")!
From July 21 to August 3, any customer who simply tries on a new pair of jeans will receive an instruction card telling him/her how to go about selecting a free smartphone (including the BlackBerry Bold, the Motorola Backflip and the HTC Aria), as long as they agree to a 2-yr contract with
either AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, or Sprint-Nextel! After you order your free phone, AE will also send you a free $25 AE gift card!
This is a great promo, especially since you get to choose your service provider and you get to select what kind of (brandname!)
smartphone you want!
Read more about AE's promo at the WSJ online
article. For those who know me, email me if you want to come with me to AE!
PS: American Eagle Outfitters, Inc. just joined the
Fair Labor Association this year! Wooo!
Images: www.facebook.com/americaneagle, fairlabor.org