UPDATE: Just checked out the Sonoma Syrup Co. website, and saw these DELICIOUS recipes to use with your Rue La La purchase ...

I love grenadine. I could seriously just drink it straight from the bottle. But have you ever seen the Ingredients list on the grenadine you find in most supermarkets & liquor stores? The one I usually see is FULL of nasty preservatives and red dye. And it takes like s***. I need me some REAL love, some REAL grenadine.
And that's where Sonoma Syrup Co. and their all-natural syrups come in. Check out their AWESOME sale of syrups at Rue La La . . .
Set of 3 - simple, pomegranate grenadine, & mint. Reg. $44, NOW $25!!
Set of 4 - olive, lime, pomegranate, & sweet&sour. Reg. $36, NOW $25!!

Set of 6 - cinnamon, LAVENDER, white ginger, acai black currant, mint, pomegranate. Reg. $76, NOW $45!! Recipe book included. Featured in Oprah's "O" Magazine.
As my DH girls would know, this gift would make me - and other foodies - SWOON in ecstasy. So, hurry! This deal ends Monday midnight EST. Check out/sign up for Rue Lala with this FREE invite!
Image: ruelala.com and sonomasyrup.com